Commodity fetishism

美 [kəˈmɑːdəti ˈfetɪʃɪzəm]英 [kəˈmɒdəti ˈfetɪʃɪzəm]
  • 网络商品拜物教;商品崇拜;商品拜物;例如商品崇敬
Commodity fetishismCommodity fetishism
  1. The theoretical foundation of the concept is Marx 's analysis of commodity fetishism in The Capital .


  2. Out of the Mistaken Area in Understanding Commodity Fetishism


  3. So long as there are commodities , currency and capital , there must be commodity fetishism .


  4. As wrong ideas , commodity fetishism and currency fetishism is of cognitive ability instead of morality .


  5. Meanwhile , Marx also linked up labor division , exchange , private property , alienation in labor and commodity fetishism .


  6. The commodity fetishism is the verge of modern society detected by Hegel 's Master-Slave dialectics .


  7. Materialization also means that people worship the commodities produced by themselves and make themselves dominated by material , which is commodity fetishism .


  8. In the context of the consumptive society , the ancient mythology and faith has gradually given their place to commodity fetishism .


  9. The alienation of labor arose the total alienation of person , and commodity fetishism is the main expression of leisure alienation .


  10. Jean Baudrillard 's theory of sign consumption inherits from Marx 's commodity fetishism and the western Marxist 's theory of consumer alienation .


  11. The enlightenment dialectics , as the total reflection on modernity , has not gone beyond the commodity fetishism the field in which the modernity arises .


  12. The Original Sin of Speculation and the Consciousness of Modernity : How the Motif of Modern Philosophy Molded by Abstractive Identity of Commodity Fetishism


  13. Lukacs brought to light the universal phenomenon of materialization which exists in the whole society of capitalism by means of analyzing the phenomenon of capitalist commodity fetishism .


  14. Marx in his work On Capital negated market economy , for he thought it would be out of man 's control , which thus would have the characteristic of commodity fetishism or alienation .


  15. The main body separately explicates how Marx formed and developed his theory of ideology in The German Ideology and in one section of Capital of the first volume Commodity Fetishism and Its Secret .


  16. Secondly , as Marx believed that under certain social conditions , consumption will occur due to the alienation of labor alienation of qualitative change , resulting in the formation of commodity fetishism .


  17. The corrosiveness of commodity fetishism , the breakout of collective life , and the loss of the cultural critic and spiritual precursor , all of these become new crisis of postmodernism .


  18. Jameson analyses the limitation and contradiction of the culture of late capitalism . It includes two parts : the existence of commodity fetishism and the broken-up of collective life style which culture is born of .


  19. Although Marx was rarely used " alienation of labor " concept , but he later came the use of words such as " contacts alienation ", " commodity fetishism ", " materialization " of the class more realistic concept .


  20. To break the spell of commodity fetishism worldly men and women should not pin their hope on the match-makers or Eros , because the foundation of alienation of temporal marriage should be destroyed by material force .


  21. Marx is not specifically discussed nihilism problems , but his criticism of commodity fetishism of traditional metaphysics , critical thinking mode and the establishment of the ultimate value ideal for discard nihilism , provides a theoretical possibility and practical operability .


  22. We can regard the fetishism in " Das Kapital " as a critical conclusion of the ideologies before " Das Kapital ", where he put forward the thought of commodity fetishism , money fetishism and capital fetishism comprehensively .


  23. Although money worship and commodity fetishism , currency fetishism are the same in some respects , they are different form each other . Those who formerly prostrated themselves before the power of the gentry now bow before the power of the peasants .


  24. The theory on alienation put forward by Marx tells us that both commodity fetishism and money fetishism are a kind of pattern in which man is dominated by materials . This domination has led to a negative result that the excessive development of Western civilization has left on man .


  25. Although modern society is embodied in abundance and governance of commodity , and social development is represented as appearance of commodity fetishism , what lies behind the appearance is the role played by capital .
